Sightline Story
I first experienced Sightline as a service user myself over eight years ago. I got chatting to a lovely lady every Sunday and we became very close over the years we have talked.
Fast forward to today and I am now the befriender to that same lady who befriended me all those years ago! I was delighted to be asked as I knew that Rita was moving into a care home, and she was worried about losing our friendship.
In addition to Rita, I also support a gentleman who is 92. He is almost totally blind and lives with his wife who has Parkinson’s disease. They look after each other with the support of carers each day; they really are a lovely couple.

The gentleman I speak with often tells me he’d be lost without our calls. On the days where he feels really down, we seem to find anything and everything to talk about that takes his mind off things and he soon feels better.

I have damage to my optic nerve and have virtually no sight at all now. Bernard says he always learns something as we talk through my own sight loss journey.
I just love volunteering for Sightline! There are sad moments in the conversations we have but I always try to reassure my befriendees that these moments don’t last forever. The joy you can bring supporting others is so rewarding; two of my friends are now Sightline volunteers too. It’s just so easy to do and leaves you with such a good feeling; I’d definitely recommend other people to try it!
The moment my long standing befriendee told me she was moving into a care home and asked if I would become her befriender was a favourite befriending moment for me so far. Sightline set this up swiftly so there was still the continuity for Rita during an unsettling time. She knew no matter how hard moving week was, Sunday evening would soon come round, and we’d be chatting away laughing and joking about daily life.
If you would benefit from a telephone befriending relationship please get in touch today.
Names have been changed to protect identities.
Call 0800 587 2252 or email us at
To find out more, please contact us:
(*0800 numbers are free to call from BT landlines and most mobile networks)