Sightline recognises that discrimination and inequality are still widespread in society as a whole. We are therefore working to achieve Equal Opportunities for all staff irrespective of disability, race, sex, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief, or ideology. This applies to employment, volunteering opportunities, to our service provision and to our relationships with external organisations.
Sightline’s policy on Equal Opportunities applies to all Trustees, all employees and trainees,volunteers, receivers of our services, organisations that we work with and those who act on our behalf.
Aims of our Policy
To demonstrate the commitment of Sightline in being a fair and reasonable employer and service provider.
To ensure that the individual potential of all employees is recognised and that their talents and resources are utilised to the full. Furthermore that no individual employee or group of employees receives less favourable treatment in relation to employment or access to resources because of any protected characteristics included in the Equality Act 2010 or future equalities legislation.
To ensure that all our staff promote equality in the workplace and in the services we deliver.
Sightline will:
- Recognise and comply with its legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010
- Fulfil its social responsibilities towards employees, potential employees and the communities in which we operate.
- Review all policies, procedures and practices, relating to all aspects of employment, to ensurethat they reflect Sightline’s commitment to equal opportunities, amending and updating them where appropriate.
- Ensure that all volunteers, customers, clients and people who use our services are treated with respect, fairly and equitably and receive the services appropriate to their needs.
- Recognise and embrace the benefits of diversity throughout the organization including the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010: Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation
All employees have a responsibility for implementing the Equal Opportunities policy in all aspects of their work and for promoting good and non-discriminatory practices. The Chair of Trustees has overall responsibility for implementation of equal opportunities and good practice.
Implementation date: February 2020
Signed / Approved by: Jeanette Binns Trustee and Equality & Cohesion Team: Equality Act & Equality Analysis Lead Policy Information & Commissioning Start Well Lancashire County Council
Date: 26/02/2020
Review Date: February 2022 – Completed.
February 2024
Author: Ian Edwards and Jeanette Binns
Frequency of Review: Every 2 Years
Version: Final